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  1. Yum! Love the idea of crumbling over a bar- I’ve never tried these Cliff Mojo bars (at least not that I can remember) but I have a few KIND bars in my pantry…I think I know what I will be topping my smoothie with tomorrow :)!

    Hilarious story about your ski mask incident- looks like it’s a keeper for skipping traffic ;)! Next time I think we need to see some photographic evidence!!

    1. Hahaha – I didn’t even think to take any pictures! But – you are right – it is ahandy accessory to navigate through traffic with! ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Btw – thanks so much Khushboo!

  2. It is becoming pretty obvious given all the chia recipes I am seeing that I must go out and buy some. As for a ski mask, in South Africa you might get shot for wearing one out – sad reality of the levels of crime where we live.

  3. Hahaha…I am loving the image of people screeching to a halt to let you in, Shashi. I’m thinking that ski mask might need to be a permanent piece of your wardrobe! (Although I don’t recommend wearing it into the bank…I might see on the news then.) This pudding looks amazing…what a unique and awesome creation. Am I allowed to eat it for breakfast??

    P.S. I don’t own a ski mask…but now I want to go get one.

    1. Haha – not just the bank, but security at my jobsite might have tasered me had I walked into the building with my ski mask on!

      Yes, you are allowed to eat it for breakfast – just leave your new ski mask off when you are eating! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks Denise!
      Up until this past Tuesday,we had had a relatively ok winter – then Tuesday morning we woke up to ice all over – not snow but nasty ice! blech!

  4. These are sooo gorgeous! I have had a Cliff Mojo bar before… I actually lived off Cliff bars in general when I lived in Hong Kong!

  5. I love that you forgot you had on your ski mask and that people were nicer drivers because of it – maybe it should be a permanent part of your daily commute!!

  6. Love the idea of adding Clif bars to this avocado chia pudding! It looks delicious with the berries too! Haha too funny about the ski mask, I think I need to try that too:)

  7. haha oh my gosh!!! Respect the ski mask! That story is too funny!

    And I just love that you used avocado in here … this is so my kind of pudding!

  8. I’ve had chia pudding before and I’ve had avocado pudding before, but never the two combined… I’m curious! And I totally agree about the power of toppings. I can’t even tell you how many baking fails I’ve saved from the trash just by burying them under a mound of delicious toppings. It’s magical!

    1. Haha – toppings are indeed magical! Another blogger was complaining about her apple pie crust – but all I saw was perfection as she had covered it with granulated sugar! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. I know I wrote a comment but your site didn’t like me today. I’ve never made nor eaten chia pudding and I think after looking at your photos, I should get in the kitchen.

    1. Maureen – sorry about that – I had some issues with my site (I also just plain have issues but that’s another story) – yes chia pudding is a must – so healthy!

  10. What a delicious and healthy way to start the day! Love the creaminess of the avocado in this pudding!

  11. Love chia pudding but hadn’t tried it with avocado before. WOW – so creamy and delicious, and really filling. Thanks!

  12. This was a delicious recipe. The almond extract really added to it. I made it with vanilla almond milk and 1/2 the recommended amount of sweetenerโ€”I used monk fruit.

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