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  1. Ok, that cheese sounds DELICIOUS! And so does this recipe!! I loves me some good mashed tatos and definitely have to give these a try. And I think my love of cheese is borderline obsessive too. Maybe your daughter and I are related? This one is perfect for the dinner table any day of the week, but I bet it would be extra special during holidays. Is it acceptable to eat cheesy mashed potatoes for breakfast? Asking for a friend 😉 Hope all is well with you, Shashi! XO

  2. Looks great! The addition of turmeric sounds really creative and interesting. (and I have to agree with your daughter on that cheese thing 🙂

  3. These easy cheesy baked mashed potatoes look so delicious! Mashed potatoes were my weakness and I have to watch out when I make them because I will eat the whole thing myself. I’m going to make this for Thanksgiving so there are other peeps around and I don’t devour your delicious recipe by myself!

  4. You know, mashed potatoes are one of those recipes that everyone claims to know how to make…but everyone has screwed up at least once. I’m guilty of it! Heck, I’ve screwed up a good batch of mashed potatoes more than once! But this baked version sounds amazing. And then you went and added that amazing cheese, too. I’m sold! I need to hunt down some of this Mahón-Menorca cheese as it sounds quite amazing. Lil Shashi is onto something with the cheesy mashed potatoes…and cheesy everything! 🙂

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