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  1. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen tamarinds in our grocery store. Maybe I just haven’t been looking…but you better believe I’m gonna start looking now! I agree that they might look a little suspect, but the end result is amazing. I’m pretty sure this pasta used as a dipping ‘sauce’ for samosas would be where it’s at! And the little bit of chili powder in there? Heck yeah! My drone is on the way down…please keep an eye out for it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Dear Shashi – I ALWAYS learn stuff here, love coming to your site. I have heard of tamarind but knew zilch about it. Now I have been properly educated. Of course now I’ll be on the lookout for tamarind at my grocery store and hope no kid accuses me of buying poop. Ha ha. If that were my Charlie (10), that’s what he would have said for sure. Thanks for a delicious new flavorful spread and an education today. Have a fabulous week my friend! XOXO

  3. i feel like you just read my mind! I was about ti make this for an asian dish. So glad you posted it so i know the BEST around! YAY! you genius you! p.s. Bites are waiting. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. I never knew anything about Tamarind (or that it even existed) until I started using it in curry recipes a few years ago and now I actually love it!

    Whilst on our honeymoon and when visiting Mombasa, Kenya I remember our guide showing us a tree of those Tamarind fruits and I was like “ah, that’s where Tamarind comes from and what it looks like!”

    I could try substituting this tamarind date paste instead of the tamarind paste I use in my curry recipes and see the difference in flavours!

  5. It is so ironic as I just saw fresh tamirand the other day in the market as well. I use a lot of tamirand in my Thai dishes and as you know you always need a little sweet, sour, savory and spicy in the mix so your paste will be really handy. Great post Shashi!!! BTW, I have not dropped off the world. Dealing with some IT issues…. Take Care

  6. I always love learning more about Sri Lankan recipes from your blog. This tamarind and date paste reminds me of tamarind and dates chutney my Granny used to make and I love that, so I can tell that I would love this paste too. Thanks for inspiration Shashi, can’t wait to try this paste.

  7. Ohmygoodness, I’ve just come across 3 different delicious recipes on food blogs that all use dates. (Three times the charm?!) I think this is a sign from above that I really need to go out and get some dates so I can make all of em’! I’ve never tried using tamarind before but this looks awesome! I want to try it in curry! :]!

  8. I have tamarind pulp in the fridge and dates in the cupboard, so I will surely be making this soon!

    Tamarind is, in my opinion, very underrated despite the magic it imparts to flavour and health. The Chinese cultivate lots of them, but they are infrequently featured in the local cuisine. An exception is Yunnan province, where I was offered a taste test of a pretty yummy tamarind candy made from locally-grown fruit. I loved how passionate people there were about their produce, most of which was unforgettably good!

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