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    1. @Dannii, it’s been around a long time in the vegan and vegetarian world. No taste and no protein. As far as I know.

  1. Wow, these jackfruit cakes look so good! We normally just eat it as a fruit when ripe here in Thailand. Will definitely try this recipe!

  2. So I have yet to try jackfruit but this really makes me want to give it a shot. Thanks for the easy instructions on using it!

  3. I love this concept. I’m very familiar with jackfruit but only make curry with it. I’m looking forward to trying something new.

  4. I love this concept. Iโ€™m very familiar with jackfruit but only make curry with it. Iโ€™m looking forward to trying something new.

  5. Wait…canned jackfruit? Well that’s a new one to me! I still have yet to try jackfruit, but these “cakes” look delicious. I could see these going on top of a summer salad. Also, I see from that first photo that you’ve started to read Latin. I approve of that! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. These are so interesting. I haven’t cooked with jackfruit for a while but when I find more I will definitely be making this recipe.

  7. They sell whole jackfruit in our markets here in South Florida — and they’re huge. Probably weigh a good 25 pounds. It makes so much sense to just buy a can or two — because one is way too much. Your jackfruit cakes sound DE-LISH!

  8. Another wonderful way to use jackfruit! These came out almost super tasty. I felt they were missing something. Just shy of five stars. I know another great suggestion. All in all will definitely make again!

4.62 from 13 votes (11 ratings without comment)

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