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  1. I totally hear you on renting movies, I used to do that all the time! But it’s been ages since I’ve rented anything, now everything is rented online it seems, lost a bit of it’s romanticism of browsing the shelves! This recipe looks amazing and your pictures are beautiful. Totally loving all those spices happening, especially that coriander!

    1. Thanks so much Pamela!
      Yes, you are right – everything is done online – but I don’t have access to Red Box online as NetFlix seems to not have the more recent movies yet…

  2. Aaw, so sweet that you and your daughter finally got to have your movie night. A pan of these falafels sounds like the perfect snack food while watching a movie 🙂 Navy beans instead of chickpeas sounds awesome and I love love love the spices in here! Gorgeous photos too girl, just want to reach right in and grab one of these babies! Pinning 🙂

  3. Your pictures are amazing. I want to eat these little bites right NOW! Great idea. It you like these types of movies you might also enjoy Heaven Is For Real. Based on a true story (I read the book twice) and really good acting and story. Very thought provoking. Thanks for all your interesting posts. Cheers to both you and your daughter.

    1. Aww-thanks so much Joan! I am speechless at your kind words…thank you – you made my day…

      I read Heaven is for Real – and loved the book – but haven’t seen the movie yet – wonder if is similar to the book…

  4. I haven’t rented a movie in ages but it might be time. Those falafel made from beans sound pretty good right now!

  5. Oh I’m jus the same about movies. I always stock up over the weekend with great plans to watch them all…9 out of 10 times, I end up watching reruns on TV instead! When will we ever learn eh ;)! As much as I love chickpeas, I love the twist on these…and hey no chickpeas in the falafel only means compensating with extra hummus right :)!

    1. Khushboo – I am thinking when the weather gets cooler and I detest being outside – then I will watch more movies and tv – I watch so little Iended up cancelling my cable this past weekend!
      Yes to more hummus! Btw, thanks lady!

  6. I feel like movie reviews are like restaurant reviews…people only speak up if they have something bad to say, so all the good reviews get filtered out. Glad you enjoyed the movie! Also, love this new take on falafel. A must try!

    1. Thanks so much Joanne! Yes – I didn’t think of it that way – but you are so right! And now that you mention it…I don’t remember the last time I read a totally positive review!

  7. I just put that movie on my Netflix queue. I’m definitely intrigued after reading this post. I’ll let you know my thoughts.

    Holy moly those falafel look good and I bet they taste even better than they look. I need me some of that! 😉

    1. Thanks Mike – they did taste pretty darn good!
      So, am curious – since I am late replying – did you get a chance to watch the movie? Any thoughts if you did? I am so curious to know…

    1. Wait – what??? You haven’t tried falafel???? That’s more shocking than when I found out you moved cross country!!!
      Thanks Taylor!!!
      Yes – that movie is really good – specially the middle parts!

    1. Thanks so much Bianca – it happens often – we watch a movie that has so much good stuff in the middle – a character that isn’t a star one that says or acts a certain way or something that is said…just makes it for me!

  8. Ha! We always plan on watching a movie on Friday nights but just never end up doing it! I don’t know what it is!

    And this dish sounds awesome! My kind of meal!

    1. Thanks Ashley!!!
      I am thinking it’s the weather – I adore being outside – but when it gets cold I am always indoors…that’s my story at least! 🙂

    1. So…you saying I should maybe mail you some of these? I think I have the same mail man that David at Spiced Blog has – just saying – he might eat it before it gets there… 😉

          1. Oh snap! You have one of “those” 🙂 …ok…guess we might have to start a profile or something for this postman….

  9. Can you believe that I’ve -never- tried falafel before? Not even the traditional kind? I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that’s not really acceptable. Oops 😳 And you know what I miss? The good old days where you had to go out to a rental store, browse the shelve, and pick out a movie… getting super peeved when what you wanted was already rented out 😆 I know things are easier these days, but I still miss the old ones!

    1. Amanda – I do miss those days too, my friend – so much fun perusing those aisles – even with the peeve factor 😉
      Now wait – you haven’t had falafel???

  10. It’s always a lovely surprise when a movie has been panned by critics, that you take it out and watch it and are pleasantly surprised. If a movie doesn’t do well in the US, it doesn’t get a cinematic release here which is probably why I haven’t heard of it. I’ll look out for it xx

  11. I can see these little flakes and delicious little bits of veggies in your falafel and I am certain this would be the perfect finger food to accompany a good movie… and way more fun that eating popcorn.

    1. Thanks Christin – with the weather cooling down – we are trying to squeeze in more movie nights! So nice to hear you and your daughter have yalls own movie nights!

  12. I’m not sure I am able to believe in God. I’ve been into science for too long… it seems to me that the universe is so incredibly crazy to have a creator. The nature, the way things work and go on, maybe all this is “god”. Anyhow… let’s talk about these bites. I have a clear opinion about them: they are fantastic!

  13. Although I know this is falafel, it looks like buttery biscuits, and now I really want a buttery biscuit!!

  14. I’ve been wondering about that movie! My brother and mom went to see it when it was in the theatre and loved it. Now I know i need to rent it! Love the falafel – perfect for movie night 🙂

  15. What a great movie snack! I love falafel, and this is such a great idea to sub a different kind of bean. Great for an emergency situation when I run out of chickpeas!

  16. This sounds amazing! I love that you used navy beans instead of chickpeas, because navy beans are one of the very few vegan foods that are higher in lysine than arginine. I eat them every day to counter the effect of all the high arginine plant proteins, so it’s great to see a new recipe for them!

  17. Hello! Thank you for the recipe. We found that the falafels were a bit too liquid. Perhaps I should have taken a paper towel to squeeze the fresh navy beans, but I ended up adding Bob Red Mills 1:1 flour (gluten free) to thicken it up. I love Persian food / spice, so I added 7 spice and more of the other spices (cumin, paprika and added Cardamon powder. That did the trick for us. Trying to go on vegetarian lifestyle, and this recipe is a nice addition!

  18. The the flavor of these are so yummy but found that they were very crumbly when cooking so not sure if I did some thing wrong when I mixed everything.

  19. My husband said it is the best falafel he has ever he has ever had. It was so easy to make. I didn’t have any coriander but I threw in a bit of cilantro. Other than that, I pretty much followed the recipe

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